Songwriting in Dementia

Turtle Song @ Liverpool

Turtle Song (an English Touring Opera, Royal College of Music and Turtle Key Arts collaboration) is songwriting project for people living with dementia and their caregivers. It encourages artistic and social interaction, a positive outlook through an enjoyable and shared activity, and gives the brain and body a bit of stimulating exercise.  Since the first Turtle Song at the Royal College of Music (London) in 2008 it has been introduced in over 15 cities across the UK.  

Since 2022, the AM lab has hosted this project in Liverpool. 
Over a period of 8 to 10 weeks, our team and a group of undergraduate students
from the Department of Music of the University of Liverpool meet a
group of people living with dementia and their caregivers weekly to
write lyrics and music together. The original songs composed during this period are then performed
in a final sharing/performance. These are incredible opportunities to listen new
music loaded with memories of Liverpool.

TS@Liverpool 2025: Coming soon ...
songwriting workshops

29/04/2025 - 17/06/2024 / 10.00 - 12.30 (every Tuesday)

Everyman Theatre (5-11 Hope Street, Liverpool L1 9BH)

Final Sharing (Concert)

24/06/2025 / 10.00 - 11.30


Are you a UG or PG student in Liverpool?

We are looking for Music undergraduate and postgraduate students based in Liverpool to join our team. If you are interested please complete this form and we'll get in touch with you soon.

Turtle Song @ Liverpool 2024
TS@Liverpool 2024: Looking Out, Looking In
songwriting workshops

 18/04/2024 - 06/06/2024 / 10.00 - 12.30 (every Thursday)

Everyman Theatre (5-11 Hope Street, Liverpool L1 9BH)

Final Sharing (Concert)

 13/06/2024 / 10.00 - 11.30

The Tung Auditorium (Yoko Ono Lennon Centre, University of Liverpool)

VIdeo Final performance

Turtle Song @ Liverpool 2023
TS@Liverpool 2023: Warming Up Our SoulS
songwriting workshops

 30/01/2023 - 20/03/2023 / 10.00 - 12.30 (every Monday)

Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

Final Sharing (Concert)

 27/03/2023 / 11.00 - 12.00

The Tung Auditorium (Yoko Ono Lennon Centre, University of Liverpool)

VIdeo Final performance

Turtle Song @ Liverpool 2022
TS@Liverpool 2022: Across the Mersey
songwriting workshops

 07/02/2022 - 01/04/2022 / 10.00 - 12.30 (every Friday)

Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

Final Sharing (Concert)

 04/04/2022 / 11.00 - 12.00

The Tung Auditorium (Yoko Ono Lennon Centre, University of Liverpool)

Workshop on Music-based Internvetions for Dementia

 Workshop program (download)

 04/04/2022 / 14.00 - 16.30

The Tung Auditorium (Yoko Ono Lennon Centre, University of Liverpool)

VIdeo Final performance

VIdeo Students feedback

VIdeo Participants feedback